Monday 21 May 2012

Um presente muito ESPECIAL!!!!

Domingo (20/05/12) nosso querido amigo Eric nos proporcionou um momento maravilhoso... um presente muito mais q especial ... alias nao temos nem palavras para agredecer... ele nos deu de presente uma sessao mais do que especial de fotos da nossa linda e abencoada gravidez... fizemos em uma praia muito linda e sussegada onde ate nossa lindinha Easy pode ir....
amamos o fim de tarde ... nos divertimos tiramos milhares de fotos lindas e vimos um por do sol maravilhosoooooo ..... apesar do frio ..... nos tiramos de letra!!!!!rs
Eric e e claro a De (apesar de longe vc tbm fez parte )nao temos como agradece-los ... muito obrigadu por estar sempre do nosso lado em todos esses anos aqui em Perth....
bjuuuuuuuuuuuu amamossssssssss
 ai vai um pouquinho das fotos q eu consegui selecionar.... eram tantas !!!!!!rs
fotos da gravidez by Eric

Saturday 21 April 2012

cha de bebe da Duda na Australia

Bom por aki nao podia ser diferente !!!...
tivemos a participacao de tds as pessoas q fazem parte desta nossa nova etapa de nossas vidas.. pessoas que estao conosco desde quando chegamos... quase 4 anos atras....
muito obrigadu pela ajuda meus amores!!!!! de verdade do fundo do coracao ... (ainda falta algumas fotos mais pouca ... vou colocar assim q der)!!!
cha de bb na australia

cha de bebe da Duda no Brazil!!!

Enfim fotos!!!!!!!
sei q demorei demais mais aqui vao !!!!!
amei do fundo do meu coracao esse dia....
foi um momento inesquecivel com pessoas que tenho certeza que sao aquelas que farao parte das nossas vidas por muito mais muito tempo!!!!!!!
amuuuuu tds vcs !!!!
P.S - sei que infelizmente teve pessoas que nao podem comparecer mais de um jeito ou de outro demonstraram o carinho por nos nesse tempo que tivemos no Brazil......
tenho certeza q somos muito abencoados por termos voces entre nos !!!!!!
fotos do cha de bebe no Brazil

Sunday 11 March 2012

Voltando a ativa!!!! contando um pouco da viagem ....

Pois e ... depois de muito tempo vou voltar a postar algumas fotos do nosso dia a dia ..... pois a Duda esta crescendo e vcs nao estao vendo !!!!!!!
vou escrever em portugues agora pq gracas a Deus minhas aulas acabaram e agora esse vai ser um projeto SO

Fomos para o Brazil e foi simplesmente maravilhoso!!!!! otimos estavamos precisando ver nossa familia ....depois de 2 anos e meio nao mudou muita coisa la... mais tds estavam bem e felizes!!!!!!
ainda mais com a nossa novidade!!!!!rs foi uma alegria ver tds nesse fase tao especial de nossas vidas.... a nossa lindinha e tao esperada FILHA....
pois e fizemos a ultrasom la e deu q e uma linda e forte mocinha chegando no pedaco..... dessa vez eu nao tenho fotinhus da ultra que de pra ver direitinho que nem a outra ... mas temos o video e vou  tentar colocar na net em breve.... rs

tenho muitas fotos fofas para vcs verem por isso fiz links ai fica mais facil de ver.... eu vi meu lindo afilhado depois desse tempo td.... foi a primeira vez que o vi...... ele e a coisa mais fofa do mundo !!!!! um garoto sorridente e maravilhoso !!!! ameiiiiiii

vou postar mais fotos do braza no proximo post..... bjuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Wednesday 30 November 2011

last wekeend...

Last Sunday we had a great time at Luci's place one more time... was Alvin's birthday our cute little boy!!!! happy birthday!!!! Luci as always did a great job... she was so lovely and made a great cake!!!we are so glad that we are part of this cute family!!!!
Everybody was present, we had a bbq and all took a delicius dish.
Unfortunately our friend Luci is going to leave us, but will be for a great opportunite and she will be just few hours away from us... Melbourne.... ahhhhhhhh but Lu you know that everyone love you and you will be always in our heart!!!!!!!
This is one of the photos that we have from the party... was taken by Eric Andrade.... my dear friend!

I'm 13 weeks now....  

Wednesday 23 November 2011

counting down the days to go... uhuuhuhu 14 days to go to Brazil!!!!

Aiaia I have so many things to do before I go but I can't stop to think about it!!!!
I'm looking for souvenir to give to my guests at my baby shower, I have many assessments to finish from my school... my things to pack, some gifts to buy.... uuuu
I just don't know what to do .... but that's ok ... at least that horrible time that I was tired all day gone.... now I'm having problem with my mood ... ooh gosh sometimes even me can't stand myself.... lol
That's the life .....

12 weeks ultrasound

uhuhuhuhuu finally we could see our baby as we were imagining......
ooooooooo was so wounderful .... a great experience .... I don't have words to describe it !!!!
The ultrasound was yesterday (23/11/11) at 3.30 pm ...
When the doctor called me the first thing that I asked her was ... Can I see the gender today????????..... but unfortunately she looked at me and laught and said ... Nooooo is just to early to say something Vanessa..... aaaaaahhhh I almost cried!!!! lol !!! but yeah she was right .... was too early to see it ... well I couldn't see any evidence of anything.... but the baby.... ooooo gosh!!!! I've never thought that I could see it so clear!!! was just perfect.... ooooooo we saw everything the feet, hands, mouth, arms, legs ....oooo it's all there.... perfect!!!!
The size is perfect for the time... everything fits in! The baby is 6.5cm ....

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Baby shower planing... (Brazil)

I know that is a bit early to talk about it .... but we are going to Brazil in 3 weeks times and I MUST have a baby shower there (do you really think that I'm going to lose the opportunity to get cute things such as clothes and baby's bedroom stuffs from my hometown??? NO WAY.....)so yesterday I was trying to list everyone that I miss and I want to see at my baby shower.... and also I was trying to get some ideas from the internet...
It was a great fun ... Diego and I we are so lost related to this subject we didn't have any idea about it, and everything that we read we though a bit odd ....because we don't know what it is, and when or where we should use !!! lol thanks God that i'm going to have enough time with my mum to ask everything what I need to know.... lol
We were also looking for some games to do during the baby shower and if we should do like a traditional baby shower - just women or a modern one - everybody..... Can you please guys give me some ideas?????

This is how the baby should be....

I got some pictures from google just to show you how the baby should be by now... and of course I was very curious about it....
Today I was coming to school and reading a book, and can you bielive that is possible to detect the gender (Did I told you that I'm reading 3 books and they are YES controversy this one just told me that the baby gender is already formed by now!!!!) uhuhuhu
So i was trying to get a picture with 11 week ultrasound that was possible to see the gender.. but unfortunately I didn't get it... anayway .... that is some picture without the gender but the way that the baby should be with 11 weeks ....

11 weeks...

uhuhhu ... uauuuu the time is going so fast ... seems that we discovered last week...
well overall I'm good maybe because I'm counting down the days to go to Brazil (just 3 weeks to go) and this is helping me a little about the morning sickness ... I don't know ... lol ...
Last monday I did the blood test and next week I'm going to do my 12 weeks ultrasound ... the doctor said that this is the most important ultrasound because they are going to measure the baby's neck and is possible to detect down's  syndrome as well....
Unfortunately is not possible to know the gender yet... the books that I'm reading all said that will be possible just after 17 weeks ... well I really don't know because I'm having that hope that I can see next week!!! who knows isn't ??????

P.S: thanks guys for all cute messages that you are writing!!!! I'm just so happy that you are enjoying my little space!!!!


Ohhhh the time has arrived.... aiaiaiaiaiai
Lately I'm feeling very tired and lazy..... ok that I'm (I can't say the opposite!lol) but much more than usual... can you believe that I 'm sleeping at 7.30 pm almost everyday???? afff I can't watch a movie anymore.... aiai

Yesterday  I was working and I had to stop and "run" in the middle of the bed wash (I'm assistant in nursing at the aged care) because my blood pressure was high.... oh gosh I've never felt something like that before.... I always had low blood pressure and I'm used to the symptoms but this time was just scary.... I just couldn't see anything with my right sight .... it was all blurry ... ohh well I hope do not have this anymore.... but we never know.... and just to complete my week... I'm having sore throat and I can't take anything just panadol....afff that doesn't help me at all.....

Saturday 12 November 2011

More photos...

Yesterday I got another super cute gift from my dear friend Flavia... is a cute rabbit she told me that it is to stay with the baby at bed time ...and that it is ....
P.S: rabbit - Flavia / clothes - Marilia / frame - Barabara / christmas decoration - Paulinha